вторник, 6 января 2009 г.


This blog is aimed to reveal the problem of the so-called ‘modern racism’ in the media and shows its impact in the modern society. Portrayals of racial minorities have always brought up controversial and debatable questions to discuss. Especially, nowadays it is a sensational topic, for example, considering the fact that world is entering new era of electing first black president in U.S. It can be noticed that over time medium have changed and became less severe in racial profiling, however problems with ethnic minorities still exist and continue to leave powerful messages. Moreover, media can distort reality by persuading people that it overcame racism, when in reality messages tended to be less ‘shouty’ but more effective in forming social opinion. This blog will determine the issues of racial profiling in the media, observing concrete examples that can be defined as essential real world problems. Nowadays racial discrimination in media consists of many significant issues, as it can be seen this wrong portrayal causes prejudicial beliefs that consequently turn into serious communication problems in society. The articles and posts in the blog are provided as examples and facts to construct clear understanding of this topic.

2 комментария:

  1. I think this is a very interesting topic, and the name modern racism really fits well for this issue. As you state, the media creates stereotypes which later on leads to some sort of racism. It is a sensative issue that should not be taking lightly, and this blog shed some light on the issue.

    - Elin Jonsson

  2. Hi, Aziya.

    Thanks for being interested in media & minority issues. As Elin mentioned, your blog shed some light on this problem. As for the topic, my blog is also dealing with a minority representation in media, particularly with disabled people. And as we all know, minorities tend to be terribly underrepresented and often also misrepresented in the media. However, the racial minorities recently seem like ‘penetrating’ into the media more and more, which is brilliant. I am not how much you follow the Czech News, but you might have noticed that Reynolds Koranteng, who is black, comments the prime time News broadcasting at the TV Nova. And viewers just love him! So hopefully, in a near future, media will become even more ‘multicolored’ than they are nowadays.
